TASER Phase 1
As a subset of the SEAR JIP, the Transforming Australian Subsea Equipment Reliability (TASER) Phase 1 project has successfully engineered, fabricated and deployed one ‘Living Laboratory’ offshore of Northern Australia to assess innovative coatings, materials and technologies for their performance against calcareous deposition and plant/animal growth.
TASER Phase 1 is a collaboration between:
TASER Phase 1 also established a collaborative framework with Subsea Equipment Vendors including:
TASER received funding contribution from:
More than one hundred different samples and subsea assemblies will be underwater for a period of at least 3 years. These test samples will undergo a number of different testing and observation activities.
Oceanographic conditions will be continuously monitored to ensure that the test results are cross referenced with a thorough understanding of the environment behind their occurrence. Ocean conditions that will be measured will include:
Subsea Current
Pressure & Temperature
pH levels
Dissolved oxygen levels
ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) levels
Chlorophyll levels
PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) levels
TASER Phase 2
Following the success of the initial TASER Phase 1 project, three additional identical subsea test structures were fabricated in 2019 and will be deployed in different geographical locations and water depths across various Australian waters, providing comprehensive results for test variables. It is believed that 3 additional living laboratories will provide confidence on statistic results by diversifying the parameters believed to promote fouling. The new living laboratories will be temporarily parked at strategic locations, where operators supporting TASER Phase 2 have licenses to operate.
TASER Phase 2 is a collaboration between:
TASER Phase 2 also established a collaborative framework with Subsea Equipment Vendors, including: